defective product, product liability

Have you been injured by a dangerous or defective product? The lawyers at Hernandez Sunosky, LLP help victims recover for their injuries against designers, manufacturers, or sellers of defective or dangerous products.

What Is A Defective Product?

A defective product is one that caused injury to a person due to how it’s made or marketed. Defective products can range from toys and household appliances to medical devices and pharmaceutical drugs. A company’s liability for a defective product can be caused by any of the following:

  • Design Defects

This type of product liability refers to the poor design of the product that makes it defective. The only way to correct the defect is by changing the original design. Examples of a design defect include:

  • A toy that poses a choking hazard because pieces may detach
  • A circular saw without a hand guard
  • A paintball gun that misfires even with the safety on
  • Manufacturing Defects

This type of product liability refers to an error that occurred while making the product. The defect in the product was not intended and was due to some manufacturing problem. Examples of a manufacturing defect include:

  • A tainted batch of Blue Bell Ice Cream
  • Incorrectly attaching component parts of a seat belt causes it to fail
  • Hip implants prematurely fail because of the materials used
  • Marketing Defects

This type of product liability refers to errors in the way the product is marketed to the public and end-user. This type of defect often involves a company failing to warn a consumer about the correct way to use their product or about potential hazards. Examples of a marketing defect include:

  • Chemicals sold without sufficient instructions for their use and safe handling
  • A pharmaceutical drug that does not include on its label the potential side effects
  • An extension ladder that fails to adequately warn of weight restrictions

What Are Common Types Of Product Liability Claims?

  • Dangerous Pharmaceutical Drugs
  • Defective Medical Devices
  • Defective Airbags
  • Defective Automobiles
  • Defective Equipment and Tools

Who Is Liable For A Product Liability Claim?

If you’ve been injured by a dangerous or defective product, you may be able to hold any contributor in the manufacturing chain liable for your injuries including:

  • Manufacturer
  • Manufacturer of Component Parts
  • Assembling Manufacturer
  • Wholesaler
  • Retail Seller
  • Distributor 

Our Lawyers Help Those Injured By Defective Products In Houston, TX.

Hernandez Sunosky, LLP fights manufacturers, sellers, and distributors of defective products. If you’ve been hurt, give us a call at 713.981.4100.