Getting into a traffic accident can be a stressful matter. Your vehicle has sustained damage, you and your passengers may be injured, and your plans for the day have been ruined. If the accident involves an Amazon truck, this can complicate matters. First, trucks tend to cause more damage than most passenger vehicles since they are heavier. This can also mean that you and your passengers will be more gravely injured than in an accident with a passenger car.
Also, getting compensated for your injuries can be more complicated since most Amazon drivers are not employees of the company, and therefore, you may have to look to their personal insurance first to get reimbursed for your injuries before you can collect from Amazon. A great deal will depend on the actions you take immediately after the accident.
1. Call 911
It is crucial that you alert the police about your accident. Here in Houston, if your accident occurred on a major road like I-10 or I-69, then there is a good chance that the police will be on the scene before you even call 911. But in many cases, accidents with Amazon trucks occur on local roads, which is why you should make the call. The police officer will be able to secure the scene, call for medical help including an ambulance for those in need of immediate medical care, and collect information from everyone involved. The officer will then prepare a police report, which you will need for your claim. This will also include a great deal of information that will be helpful to you.
2. Get Immediate Medical Attention
You may not know it, but there is a good chance that you and your passengers were injured in the collision. Sometimes, you may know you are hurt, but often things like internal injuries and broken bones may not be apparent in the immediate aftermath of the accident. You can have the police officer call an ambulance to take you to the nearest emergency room, or you can arrange for a friend to take you there. Not only will this get you the medical attention you may need, but it will also begin the paperwork for medical reports, which your attorney will need to collect on your claim. If you wait until you don’t feel well to see a medical provider, Amazon may try to argue that the injury was the result of a subsequent event unrelated to the accident.
3. Collect Information to Document the Accident
While you are waiting for the police or an ambulance to arrive, you can begin to gather information. You should ask the Amazon driver for their license, vehicle registration, and insurance card, and use your phone to take a picture of the Amazon vehicle showing the license plate. You should also take pictures of your vehicle, the accident scene, the damaged areas of both vehicles and anyone who was injured in the collision. If there were any witnesses to the accident, you should get their contact information and find out if they are willing to give a statement on your behalf.
4. Notify Your Insurance Company
Even if you were not at fault, you should contact your insurance company so they can open a claim for the accident. Your auto insurance company may be able to provide immediate financial assistance to you and your passengers with an eye toward collecting from the insurance companies for Amazon and the driver later on.
5. Contact the Insurance Company for the Amazon Driver
In many cases, the Amazon driver may be primarily liable for any damages caused by the accident. This is because the drivers are independent contractors of Amazon who are personally responsible for their own driving. By contacting Amazon’s driver’s insurance company, you can begin a claim with them as well if your own auto insurance company has not done so already.
6. Notify Amazon
Even if Amazon tries to disavow any liability for the performance of its drivers, you should still contact the company’s customer service team and begin the claims process there as well. Any delay in notifying Amazon could prejudice you.
7. Retain an Experienced Houston Traffic Accident Attorney
You will need an attorney to guide you through the claims process. As you can see, dealing with an Amazon truck accident can be much more difficult and less straightforward than a regular accident with another Houston private motorist.
If You Have Been Involved in an Accident with an Amazon Truck Driver, Call Our Firm Today
Getting compensated for your injuries in an accident involving an Amazon truck driver can often be a difficult process. The experienced traffic accident attorneys at Hernandez Sunosky can guide you through the process, helping you get the compensation from Amazon that you deserve for your damages. Contact us.